Monday, November 23, 2015

Urban Portrait Awarded

A captivating urban portrait has been awarded the Photo of the Week accolade.
Editor’s Note: This is a really stylish, on-trend image that looks like something from a high-end fashion magazine shoot. The image is well composed and there is just enough blur from the aperture used to make the model the main subject of the image but still keep the street in the background recognisable.
There is a warm colour cast on the image that gives the impression of a summer’s evening and the model’s glance to the side of the camera captivates the viewer, making them wonder what she is looking at.
Overall this a very pretty image that’s pin sharp where it matters.
The winner of the Photo of the Week winner currently gets their hands on a 64GB PRO Plus memory card from Samsung.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Featured on Blur Magazine

Happy to be featured on Blur Magazine – BLUR #45 (Oct/Nov 2015 edition)
Gallery 24 is a collection specifically, an online exhibition of 36 outstanding and impactful photographs put together with the aim of demonstrating the diversity and beauty found in the world of photography. Photographs presented in Gallery 24 are selected for their high aesthetic quality, composition, and “wow” factor.
BLUR magazine is an international e-magazine founded in 2007 with the mission to promote creative photography worldwide. It represents a meeting place for photographers,
both prominent professionals and talented amateurs yet to be discovered, and photographylovers from around 190 countries.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Group Exhibition at Blank Wall Gallery in Athens, Greece

My work Starry Eyed as been chosen for the exhibition Fine Art at Blank Wall Gallery in Athens, Greece.
The exhibition will be on view at the gallery from 30 august – 17 september 2015

Monday, July 27, 2015

Workshop at Malta Institute of Professional Photography Convention

Looking forward to my trip to Malta in November 2015. I am honored to be invited for three days at the Malta Institute of Professional Photography’s  Annual Convention (MIPP).

Thursday, July 2, 2015

A Classically Styled Portrait

A beautiful image of a monk has been awarded ePHOTOzine’s Photo of the Week.

Editor's Note: "This image almost looks like a painting you’d find in a gallery. It’s like stepping back in time into a long forgotten era. The lighting used perfectly brings out all the textures and shapes on the faces, half – lighting them to create a sense of character and mystery. There is something intriguing about what the monk will do next in the image.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Group Exhibition at Blank Wall Gallery in Athens,Greece

My work "Desires" as been chosen for the exhibition "Portraits" at Blank Wall Gallery in Athens, Greece.
The exhibition will be on view at the gallery from July 5th through July 23th 2015

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Featured on Blur Magazine

Happy to be featured on Blur Magazine – BLUR #43 (Jun/Jul 2015 edition)
Gallery 36 is a collection specifically, an online exhibition of 36 outstanding and impactful photographs put together with the aim of demonstrating the diversity and beauty found in the world of photography. Photographs presented in Gallery 36 are selected for their high aesthetic quality, composition, and “wow” factor.
BLUR magazine is an international e-magazine founded in 2007 with the mission to promote creative photography worldwide. It represents a meeting place for photographers,
both prominent professionals and talented amateurs yet to be discovered, and photographylovers from around 190 countries.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Published in DPI Magazine

I’m really happy to announce my feature in the amazing DPI Magazine, Volume 3, Australia
DPI Magazine Showcasing imaginative and artistically innovative photography, film and art.
DPI Magazine aims to showcase unique and imaginative pieces within a beautifully designed and published digital and print publication for artists to promote their talent internationally.
Designer: Laura Smarandache / Model: Şteff Chelaru / Make-up: Ioana Cristea / Collection: IRONic Feathers

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Published in Silvershotz Magazine

I’m very honoured to have my series featured in Australian based magazine Silvershotz Volume 9 Experience 5 | The Digital Journal of Contemporary Photography along with many talented photographers. My interview with the magazine.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Interview for Cultartes

Nicole,Cultartes: Hello, Cristina! When did your passion for photography first started?
Cristina Venedict: I began photographing in 2006 with a compact camera. I thought it was great to have a camera in my hands, you feel like a director who creates a film. Photography gives me the opportunity to dream and create images; it helps me to keep going.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Se cauta fotografia lunii februarie 2015 – Portret de indragostiti

Am placerea sa va anunt ca voi face parte din juriul concursului organizat de Nikon Romania cu tema “Portret de indragostiti”
Juriul va alege imaginea ce va ilustra a doua fila a Calendarului Nikon 2016. In plus, puteti castiga si premiul lunar constand intr-un voucher in valoare de 1000 lei, ce poate fi folosit pentru achizitionarea de echipament Nikon.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Published in shoot the frame

The 2013/14 book has been released and my work has been published!

The book itself contains all finalists and winners from July 2013 to June 2014, for both Shoot The Face and Shoot The Land Awards. The book is exquisite.