Friday, August 22, 2014

Featured on Worbz

My photos featured on Worbz, one of my favorite online galleries
Worbz offers a look at contemporary photography. An inspirational online gallery. A platform of expressions.
A showcase of revealing outstanding talents and trends.

Exhibition and workshop at Secvente, Romania

Clubul de Turism si Arte Escamonde Ploiesti organizeaza, în perioada 5-7 septembrie 2014 si cu sprijinul Asociatiei pentru Promovarea si Dezvoltarea Turismului Prahova, cea dea doua editie a Festivalului de Fotografie Secvente.
Festivalul vrea sa demonstreze înca o data forta fotografiei în societatea actuala, prin promovarea imaginilor si ideilor unor artisti români si internationali din mediul fotografic contemporan.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Exhibition at VSLO, Romania

I was selected to take part in a group exhibition VSLO – VAMA SUB LUMINI DE OSCAR 2014 with my series “mystic portraits
I’ve always been fascinated by people. I like looking at them, studying their characteristics, their reaction, getting to know their stories. I believe each human being is unique, beautiful and unpredictable.
It usually happens to discover a face and ask myself “what is this person doing here, in our days?”. It seems like his/her face has a story that is from another time, and it seems like the modern days don’t fit right. Because every face has its story, I try to transmit, to encourage people through this series to never forget to dream and to try bringing out hidden parts that might make their lives even more beautiful. Live every second, minute, hour, day, year in harmony with them, as well as with everything from their surroundings.
The exhibition will be held from 22th of August to 31th of August 2014.