Wednesday, December 17, 2008

in a moment of harmony...

Ai fugit răvăşită de discuţie,
Şi cerul s-a închis plângând de spaimă,
Ţi-ai pierdut umbrela dantelată
Şi vocea mea din noapte...
by Andrei Vizitiu

Monday, December 1, 2008

forgotten land...

Nu-i nimeni pictat pe drum,
doar negru naşte fum
Şi gardul jeleşte a moarte
Indrăgostit de pasarea maiastră...

Şi paşii tăcerii săruta morbid
şi Cerul tuşeşte parşiv
Iar casa jeleşte căzută,
E părăsită şi tristă....

by Andrei Vizitiu

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The fish is mute

From the motion picture Arizona Dream soundtrack
(Emir Kusturica / Goran Bregovic)
Iggy Pop

This is a film about a man and a fish.
This is a film about dramatic relationship between a man and a fish.
The man stands between life and death.
The man thinks,
The horse thinks,
The sheep thinks,
The cow thinks,
The dog thinks.
The fish doesn't think.
The fish is mute.
The fish doesn't think,
Because the fish knows

The fish knows

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Duminica 1 iunie 2008, orele 14:00 va avea loc vernisajul expozitiei "In tara minunilor" de Cristina Venedict la Galeriile de Arta Stefan Luchian -Botosani, Str. Piata Revolutiei nr.3. Va astept cu drag...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

a little HELP...

Who are YOU?

the fishman...

leaving the past...

to the ocean...

Running from the storm...

love is in the air...

my last way...

the long way home...

Who am i in this world?


My childhood photo...

Bad feelings...

far away from home...

Home for a rest...


Nobody can STOP ME...

I can touch the sky...

In lumea LOR...

prea mica pentru lumea asta...

Shadow man...

Hainele mamei...

The girl from number 15...

The little pear girl...



A moment of childhood

A moment of childhood...

A moment in life...


O zi istovitoare...

Spre alta lume....

Just a dream...

Still waiting...

On the bridge...